Successful participation in various round robin tests

Posted on 07 March 2022.

The quality of sampling determines the accuracy of expert statements. Errors made here can no longer be cured in the subsequent steps.

For this reason, we attach great importance to quality assurance in our company (more information hier). Interlaboratory tests and comparative measurements are also an important part of this. On the one hand, interlaboratory comparisons offer testing laboratories the opportunity to compare the results of their testing procedures with those of other testing laboratories under standardized conditions. In this way, their own performance can be reliably checked. On the other hand, monitoring authorities use the evaluation of the interlaboratory comparisons to decide on the compliance with qualitative approval requirements of individual testing laboratories. In 2021, we participated in the following round robin tests and comparative measurements:

Zertifikat über Ringuntersuchungen zur Ermittlung von Probenahmeunsicherheit und Umgang mit Messunsicherheit

Sampling on a property contaminated with explosives in Kempten, Germany

Round robin test on explosive residues in soil     The Federal Environment Agency had invited engineering companies to this round robin test in Kempten. A plot of land contaminated by explosives was to be representatively sampled according to the rules of the “art of contaminated sites” (area composite sample of topsoil, effect pathway soil – man). Dr. Kunibert Eberlein and Simon Landgraf from our company were represented.


Round robin test for soil sampling from trenches
At this event, organized by the Bavarian State Office for the Environment (LfU), all testing laboratories approved in Bavaria according to §18BBodSchG were present. Both walk-in trenches and non-walk-in trenches (from the excavator shovel) were sampled. Dr. Kunibert Eberlein and Hendrik Belz participated for the LGA..

Sampling from an excavator shovel

Comparative measurement of groundwater sampling from a measuring point
In cooperation with four other offices or laboratories, we organized a comparative measurement at a groundwater measuring point. The analysis results (5 samples each for heavy metals and further inorganic parameters, 10 samples for LHKW), were comprehensively statistically evaluated. Fabian Ziegler, Hendrik Belz and Gerold Neumann participated from our office.

The results of the round robin tests on explosives residues are still pending.
The round robin tests for sampling at accessible and non-accessible excavations will be presented on 30.06.2022 within the framework of the GAB’s contaminated site symposium.
The statistical evaluation of the groundwater sampling was carried out by AIR – Analytik Institut Rietzler GmbH using the round robin evaluation software A45 from AQS Baden-Württemberg. In addition to the standard deviation of the on-site parameters, the zu-scores were determined for the individual samplers for the investigated organic and inorganic parameters. The results were made available to all test participants in a final report.

LGA Institut für Umweltgeologie und Altlasten GmbH

Christian-Hessel-Str. 1
D-90427 Nürnberg

Phone:  +49 911 12076 100
Telefax:  +49 911 12076 110


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