Management of Contaminated Sites
The German Federal Soil Protection Act (Bundesbodenschutzgesetz, BBodSchG) supplied the first uniform definition of a “contaminated site.” According to this, it is a harmful change to the soil that constitutes a potential hazard to people, plants or the groundwater that occurred before the introduction of the BBodSchG.
Old industrial area with soil contaminations
Soil with oil contamination
Remediation or securing is a legal obligation. Owners of a contaminated site can become subject to remediation in the same way as the persons responsible for the harmful change to the soil.
Not every soil contamination with mineral oils, fuels, heavy metals or the like thus automatically constitutes a contaminated site. But every contamination can drastically reduce the value of a real estate because the disposal of contaminated soil is often very cost-intensive.
In the good tradition of the Bavarian State Trade Institute (Landesgewerbeanstalt, i.e., LGA Bayern), LGA-IUA experts advise you competently and independently on initial estimates of sites, the planning of investigations, categorizing official requirements, determining costs of contaminated sites or the planning and preparation of bidding documents for the recycling of a site.
Our strength lies in our ability to develop strategies for investigations, designs and measures together with you, which fulfill both the legal and economic demands. Moreover, we would also be pleased to manage the technical implementation of the design for you.
Soil profile with black horizon containing organic matters and solvents
Our services to you include:
- Historical research and aerial photo analysis
- Exploratory and detailed investigations of soil, soil gas, water and building fabric
- Hazard assessments for the subjects of protection human being, soil, plants and groundwater
- Investigations for conservation of evidence (contamination situation at a specific point in time)
- Remediation investigation, planning, preparation of bidding documents, and implementation and monitoring of remediations
- Court expertises
- Assessment of expertises on contaminated sites with independent verification of the legal, technical and economic recommendations
Thomas Struller
Expert §18 BBodschG
(SG1 + SG2)
Diplom Geologist
Phone: +49 911 12076 111
Telefax: +49 911 12076 110
Mobile: +49 170 33 20 494
Carlo Schillinger
Managing Director, LBD
Diplom Geologist
Phone: +49 911 12076 101
Fax: +49 911 12076 110
Mobile: +49 171 55 91 875
LGA Institut für Umweltgeologie und Altlasten GmbH
Christian-Hessel-Str. 1
D-90427 Nürnberg
Phone: +49 911 12076 100
Telefax: +49 911 12076 110
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