Initial Soil State Report (ISSR)
With the entry into force of the Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament (IED), operators of so-called „IE facilities“ are obliged to prepare an initial soil state report for soil and groundwater (ISSR) as part of the approval of a plant.
Stainless steel storage tanks of an industrial company
Storage area for barrels and metal chips
The ISSR is a necessary part of the notice of approval for the statutory obligation to return the site to the state established in the ISSR in accordance with Section 5 Paragraph 4 of the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG). Its purpose is to document the chemical condition of soil and groundwater on the installation site as initial state before the commissioning of a new or modified plant.
The state according to the ISSR must be the same as before or it must be restored by the operator after a plant shutdown.
An ISSR is necessary in principle if the following requirements are met:
- An application for the modification or re-approval of an existing plant in accordance with the IED has been submitted. The plants concerned are listed in Annex I of the 4th BImSchV.
- Any relevant hazardous substances/mixtures (according to the CLP Regulation) of material or quantitative relevance which are used, produced or released by the plant are listed in the Annex.
- Due to the relevant hazardous substances/mixtures used, contamination of the soil or groundwater cannot be excluded with absolute certainty.
Chemical storage
Our services to you include:
- Relevance test
- Definition of the analysis concept with monitoring network and analysis parameters
- Implementation of the soil and groundwater analyses
- Preparation of the initial soil state report (ISSR)
Carlo Schillinger
Managing Director, LBD
Diplom Geologist
Phone: +49 911 12076 101
Fax: +49 911 12076 110
Mobile: +49 171 55 91 875
Fabian Ziegler
M.Eng. Chemical and Process Engineering
Phone: +49 911 12076 103
Telefax: +49 911 12076 110
Mobile: +49 172 53 27 369
LGA Institut für Umweltgeologie und Altlasten GmbH
Christian-Hessel-Str. 1
D-90427 Nürnberg
Phone: +49 911 12076 100
Telefax: +49 911 12076 110
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