Abbruch von acht 33 m hohen Kohlesilos am Kraftwerk Nürnberg-Sandreuth der N-ERGIE AG

Posted on 16 April.

In order to create space for new facilities at the Sandreuth site of Nuremberg’s N-ERGIE AG, eight silos from the former coal-fired power plant were to be dismantled. The 33 m high reinforced concrete structures posed particular challenges for the planning and execution of the demolition work, especially due to their immediate proximity to parts of the plant that were still in operation.

Aerial view with the coal silos (source: Google Maps)

Top view of the coal silos (source: Google Maps)

LGA Institut für Umweltgeologie und Altlasten GmbH was commissioned with the preliminary investigation of contaminants as well as the ongoing construction supervision. This also included health and safety coordination and an accompanying measurement program for dust and noise immissions as well as vibrations by LGA Immissions- und Arbeitsschutz GmbH.

Demolition of the coal silos
Area after demolition of the coal silos

Short film of the demolition (Source: LGA)

Time-lapse recording (Source: N-Ergie AG)

LGA Institut für Umweltgeologie und Altlasten GmbH

Christian-Hessel-Str. 1
90427 Nürnberg

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