In-house seminars

In-house seminars Posted on 05 March 2024.We offer individual in-house seminars on various topics from our fields of work: Basics and innovations of the EBV (Mr. Schillinger, Mr. Malkmus) Contaminated sites - risks and opportunities (Mr. Schillinger, Mr. Belz)...

Notification according to LaborV

Notification as a testing laboratory for water analyses in Bavaria (LaborV) for the sampling of groundwater and surface water Posted on 26 February 2024. For water analyses in the legally regulated area, e.g. in the execution of the Water Resources Act or the...

BBodSchG certification extended

Certification according to § 18 BBodSchG extended Posted on 14 February 2024. According to § 18 BBodSchG, "experts and examination centers that perform tasks in accordance with this law must have the necessary expertise and reliability for these tasks as well as...

VDI Guideline 6202 Sheet3

Asbestos contamination investigation in buildings - VDI Guideline 6202 Sheet 3 creates legal certainty Posted on 01 February 2024. Construction materials containing asbestos are still widespread in many buildings. All buildings from before 1994 are considered to be...

Construction waste – LAGA M23

Disposal of construction waste - requirements of the new LAGA M23 on asbestos Posted on 30 January 2024. LAGA M23 (" Execution aid for the disposal of waste containing asbestos") regulates the disposal of waste containing asbestos. A new version is now available...

Rope access technique level 1 and 2

Ropedancing under the bridge: LGA rock team completes training as rope access technicians level 1 and 2 Posted on 21 December 2023. It's actually a lovely spot, reminiscent of a vacation: the Menach meanders through the green meadow. An old, disused railroad...

Successful DAkkS audit

Successful DAkkS audit Posted on 22 November 2023. For our evaluations of soil, water, building materials and waste, we value qualified sampling very highly. Our comprehensive quality management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 is accredited by...

LGA workshop KA5

Equipped with spade and Puerckhauer: Internal LGA workshop for soil recording according to KA5 Posted on 27 October 2023. On 18th October and 25th October 2023, one group of the LGA team was trained in the preparation, implementation and documentation of the soil...

Runoff modeling of heavy rainfall events

Runoff modeling - Valuable forecasting tool for upcoming heavy rainfall events Posted on 12 June 2023. Repeated heavy precipitation in 2017 and 2019 led to debris flows in the community of Kauerndorf, which buried the B289 federal road. As a precautionary measure...

Inspection of securing constructions

Rockfall protection fence and then what? About the need for regular construction inspections Posted on 20 April 2023. High demands are placed on safety constructions (SiBW) against falling rocks and boulders with regard to structural safety, serviceability and...

LGA Institut für Umweltgeologie und Altlasten GmbH

Christian-Hessel-Str. 1
D-90427 Nürnberg

Phone:  +49 911 12076 100
Telefax:  +49 911 12076 110


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