Asbestos, PAH & Co.: No demolition without pollutant topic

Over the past decades, numerous substances have been used in construction that are considered pollutants from today’s perspective. On the one hand, they represent a health hazard, and on the other hand, they impose high requirements on the disposal and processing of waste during demolition.

In order to avoid the unexpected occurrence of pollutants during demolition and thus minimize health and cost risks, the topic of pollutants must be considered from the very beginning of every demolition project. Pollutant investigations of the building fabric form the basis for careful planning and qualified bidding and help to avoid delays in the construction process and to keep the planned measures economically calculable.

Dr. Jürgen Kisskalt addresses this topic in this year’s 2nd issue of the expert magazine “Abbruch Aktuell” and uses selected examples to show in which components and products pollutants are potentially to be expected. These include asbestos-containing adhesive under PVC tiles, sprayed asbestos, asbestos cement products in roofs and facades, gypsum filler and old mineral wool. The german article in Abbruch Aktuell is available here (Pages 11 and 12).

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